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Special Health Care Needs

The Children’s Medical Services (CMS) Program

The Children’s Medical Services (CMS) Program in the Public Health Division of the New Mexico Department of Health provides care coordination services to children and youth with special healthcare needs across the State. CMS assures that all newborns receive their newborn screen after birth to identify congenital conditions which can be life-threatening and could also lead to developmental delays.  CMS which consists of licensed social workers, nutritionists, nurses, and administrative staff have been reaching out to families telephonically to address any unmet medical needs such as durable medical equipment and medications.

are under the federal poverty line OF 100% in New mexico 
compared to the us national average  
Less Likely to Receive Needed Health Care


Parents Reaching Out (PRO) provides support, training, and tools for families and youth with disabilities or complex medical needs. These services include and are limited to, workshops to help parents understand Early Intervention, Healthcare, and the Special Education process.

Publication History

Read about current projects, health reports, and data briefs discussing issues in maternal and child health . 


Clƭnica de pasos de bebƩ

2040 S. Pacheco St 

Santa Fe, Nuevo MĆ©xico 87505

TelƩfono: 505-456-7890

Correo electrĆ³nico:

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