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Mother Holding Baby Finger
Mother Holding Baby Finger

Maternal Health

Maternal Health

The Maternal Health Domain works in improving the quality of care among women of color in New Mexico and improving access and continuity of healthcare services for women in the perinatal period through direct programming and systems level changes. We work primarily in coordinating the state Maternal Mortality Review Committee as well as licensing of all midwives in the state.




Key Partnerships 

The New Mexico Perinatal Collaborative is a nonprofit and coalition of multidisciplinary perinatal care experts dedicated to improving the health of New Mexico’s pregnant people, infants, and birthing families through the identification and sharing of best practices and resources. Their work focuses on strategies that reduce known barriers to quality improvement.

Their mission is to provide education and coalition building that increases community participation- and leadership- in health care policy and clinical care provision.

Midwifery Work

The state Maternal Health Program manages the licensing of two midwife groups in the state, the certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and the licensed midwives (LMs). Both groups have Advisory Boards that meet quarterly. In both boards there are two or three members from the consumer sector.

Publication History

Read about current projects, health reports, and data briefs discussing issues in maternal and child health . 

Contact Us 

Maternal Child Health Epidemiology

2040 S. Pacheco St 

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

Phone: 505-456-7890


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